How to apply
WASSCE/ SSSCE Applicants
Credit passes in Graphic Design, General Knowledge in Art and any other Visual Arts Elective Subjects EXCLUDING Leatherwork, Basketry and Bead making.
‘A’ Level Applicants
FIVE (5) credits at O’ Level including: English Language, Art, and Mathematics, plus at least TWO passes at A’ Level including Art. Preference would be given to applicants with THREE (3) passes at the A’ Level with grade A or B in Art.
Mature Applicants
Applicants must have attained the age of 25 years at the time of submitting the Application with at least THREE (3) years working experience.
FIVE (5) Credits at O’ Level Subjects including English Language, Mathematics and Art.
Credit passes in General knowledge in Art, Graphic Design and any other Visual Arts Elective Subjects excluding Leatherwork, Basketry and Bead Making.
Mature Applicants must also pass an oral and portfolio interview and a practical examination.