2023 Department Orientation for Freshers

The Department of Communication Design (DeCoDe), KNUST on 23rd January 2023 held an orientation for its freshmen at the Saraah Mensah Auditorium – Faculty of Social Sciences. The department orientation was held to welcome the new student and address them on rules and regulations, as well as to provide a platform for interaction with the department officials on matters relating to their academic work in the department.

Welcoming the students on behalf of the Dean was the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Art, Prof. Ebenezer Howard. He congratulated the freshers and encouraged them to seek creative collaborations with students in other departments in the faculty. Ms. Susana Asamoah, the Registrar of the Faculty of Art, address the students on the regulations at faculty and the facilities available to them. The faculty examination officer was in attendance to speak about the examination regulations and the responsibilities of students. The College Librarian introduced the students to the vast library system at KNUST and encouraged them to access it on and off campus. The College Counsellor spoke about counselling services and encourage students to visit the KNUST counselling centers to speak to the professional counsellors on any issues affecting them.

At the department level, Dr. Adam Rahman, the Head of Department also welcomed the students to the Design Department. He spoke extensively about the department’s programs which are aimed at achieving excellence in teaching, learning and research in the area of design and multimedia applications. He talked about the many achievements of past students and encouraged the freshers to do well to bring honour to the department. He further encouraged the students to thrive for academic excellence and adhere to all rules and regulations and to pay close attention to the Students’ Guide and Code of Conduct to ensure they don’t fall foul of university regulations. Other issues highlighted bothered on examinations, improper dressing, time management, and the use of department facilities among others.
Also in attendance were members of the teaching faculty and technical staff of the department, National Service Personnel assigned to the department to support teaching and learning and student executives as various levels of administration.

The 2022-2023 executives of the Department and the Faculty of Art were introduced to the freshmen as the voice of students at the department and faculty levels respectively. Master Benjamin Koomson, president of Graphic Art Student Association (GASA), and Samson Bruce, Vice President of the Art Society of the Faculty of Art also took turns addressing the freshmen. The GASA President, said in his speech that, the student “should not just carry the association name with pride but more importantly carry its brand with great responsibility”. Afterwards, students were engaged in an interactive Q&A session. The event came to a close, after which the freshmen and other participants where refreshed.